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Lotus Elite brochures

Image Description Year


Lotus Elite

Elite 501, 502, 503, 504. General specs.

280 x 146 mm (unfolded 280 x 405 mm), 6 pp




Lotus Elite & Eclat

210 x 297 mm, 10 pp color



Elite, Eclat Sprint and Esprit

Includes color pictures, concept and design information and specifications

210 x 102 mm (folded)



Elite, Eclat Sprint and Esprit

Includes color pictures, concept and design information and specifications

210 x 102 mm (folded)





283 x 203 mm, 2 pp



Elite 500, 501, 502, 503

Full colour brochure. Spec comparison with competitors, European specs.

298 x 212 mm, 20 pp



Elite 501, 502, 503, 504

Full colour brochure, Lotus Elite. European and US specs.

235 x 144 mm, 24 pp(1 unfolding) + 2 transp.




Spec sheet,  Anything less than Lotus efficiency is pure extravagance.

208 x 295 mm, 1 pp


Elite and Eclat S2.2

Text on one side, technical specs on the other side

297 x 210 mm


Elite and Eclat S2.2

Text on one side, technical specs on the other side

297 x 210 mm




Lotus Elite, Eclat, Esprit 2.2 Litre sales brochure.

Full colour. Spec sheet on back cover.

297 x 210 mm, 6  pp fold-out.