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Lotus racing cars brochures

Image Description Year


Mark VI and Mark IX brochure


Lotus Eleven

Folder brochure, printed on all 6 Sides, English, black & white illustrations.

Size 223 X 152 mm




Lotus Eleven

Specifications on 3 models: Lotus Eleven Le Mans, Lotus Eleven Club, Lotus Eleven Sports and also cars available in kit form. Referring also to Coventry Climax Engine. There is a section on the design of the car and its successes in racing (1957). 



Lotus Eleven

Jay Chamberlain




Lotus Fifteen

Folds out 2 to double width

229 X 152 mm, 4pp




Type 18




Type 51

brochure for the Lotus Mark Fiftyone "A" Formula Ford

Approx. 200 x 120 mm,  folds out as shown






Lotus 47

Type 47 (Europa) racing sales folder featuring a brief development history,
full specifications, optional extras, and pricing as well as projected build to order delivery times

152x457 (unfolded), 6pp




Lotus 61 1969


Lotus 69

Type 69 Formula B (Atlantic) sales sheet featuring a brief development history, specifications, optional extras, and pricing as well as projected build to order delivery times

152x279mm, 1pp



Lotus 69

Type 69 Formula 2 sales sheet featuring a brief development history, specifications, optional extras,and pricing as well as projected build to order delivery times

152x279mm, 1pp



Lotus 69

Type 69 Formula Ford sales sheet featuring a brief development history, specifications, optional extras, and pricing as well as projected build to order delivery times

152x279mm, 1pp