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Lotus Esprit Convertibles

Lotus Esprit S3 Saint Tropez

Lotus Esprit S3 Saint Tropez

As far as I know there have been two companies that converted the Giugiaro Esprit to a convertible.


An english manufacturer, Paul Baron Bailey, converted a limited number of S2, S3 and Turbo Esprit models into convertibles. The total production number is not known. These are called "SAINT TROPEZ".






Esprit Roadster, image from Kollinger

Esprit Roadster, image from Kollinger website

Esprit Roadster, image from Kollinger website




A german Lotus and Jensen specialist who did also create convertibles from S2, S3 and Turbo Esprit models. These are called ESPRIT ROADSTER. Even today (2007) you can sometimes find an pre-owned car offered for sale on the website of the manufacturer!